Distributed absorption of Hyperinflation


Dear reader

This is an idea that came to me that might /might not help to face hyperinflation.
Please let me know what you think. 
When prices of commodities increase our natural response is to increase our earnings by increasing our service charge or price of our product .
So our customers have to increase their income to buy our products, so they also have to increase price or thier service charge .
 As we all are in a loop of customer ,provider relationships we go into a vicious cycle .
 We increase because they increase ,they increase because we increase.
This is human nature, we/I fail to see that we are part of the problem.
The Theory is that we all have to absorb our urge to increase and reduce income in a conscious and distributed way , this has to start from up. Elites have to reduce their income (not wealth ), middle class upward will follow their example and ease off the pressure on lower income. 
This is better for the elite as it may help prevent wealth redistribution , and also controlling hyperinflation will hold value.
This needs only 1% of the population on board to get rolling as it starts with elites and wealthy. 
Reduction of income might help to gain more in the long run.
This against current economic benchmarks such as GDP. Which does not calculate human’s most basic need of being happy.






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